25 news items found.

Measures to reduce the harm and risks associated with alcohol consumption
Report 9782
Discover the recommendations from the SHC to reduce the risks of alcohol consumption. Let’s act together to protect our health and that of our loved ones!

Dietary supplements with salt
Report 9750
The Superior Health Council issues a negative opinion on the commercialisation of food supplements containing only or mainly sodium chloride. They are potentially detrimental to public health as they may encourage excessive salt consumption.

FSMPs containing human breast milk
Report 9751
The Superior Health Council advises against the commercialisation of foods for special medical purposes (FSMPs) containing breast milk intended for premature babies with (very) low birth weight. This advice is based on several considerations.

Alcohol in products with an effect on health
Report 9702
Alcohol may indeed be an ingredient in certain "health" products consumed by adolescents and children.

Fish and seafood (Part 1)
Report 9343
The Superior Health Council is currently revising its 2004 advisory report no. 7617 “Fish and Health". This first part of the revised document, which was written jointly with the Scientific Committee set up at the FASFC, examines the risks associated with exposure to mercury and methylmercury ...

Nutritional needs of patients with cystic fibrosis
Report 9414
Patients with cystic fibrosis have specific nutritional needs due to their disease. Care should be taken to ensure that they receive enough energy and protein. They also have a greater need for minerals and fat-soluble vitamins.

Food hypersensitivities
Report 9509
In this scientific advisory report, which offers guidance to public health policy-makers, the Superior Health Council of Belgium provides recommendations to physicians and patients regarding the implementation of correct in vitro testing to document IgE-mediated food allergies ...

Marketing to children of unhealthy foods
Report 9527
In this scientific advisory report, which offers guidance to health policy-makers and other relevant stakeholders, the Superior Health Council of Belgium provides an opinion on the exposure of children, including adolescents, to unhealthy food through media and marketing in Belgium.

Fortification of fats with vitamin A and D
Report 9609
In this scientific advisory report, which offers guidance to public health policy-makers, the Superior Health Council of Belgium provides an expert opinion on the fortification of edible fats with vitamins A and D.

Report 9602
In this scientific advisory report, which offers guidance to public health policy-makers, the Superior Health Council of Belgium provides an update on fluoride recommendations for the Belgian population at the individual level.

The vegetarian diet
Report 9445
In this scientific advisory report, which offers guidance to public health policy-makers, the Superior Health Council of Belgium provides recommendations for the Belgian population whose food profile is essentially or totally restricted to plantbased foods.

Vitamin D, zinc and COVID-19
Report 9620
In this scientific advisory report, which offers guidance to public health policy-makers,
the Superior Health Council of Belgium provides an opinion on the use of vitamin D and zinc supplements in the prevention and treatment of Covid-19.
the Superior Health Council of Belgium provides an opinion on the use of vitamin D and zinc supplements in the prevention and treatment of Covid-19.

Food Based Dietary Guidelines (FBDG)
Report 9284
In consultation with the competent authorities of this country, the Superior Health Council (SHC) has drawn up an advisory report on the priorities regarding food choices that are expected to contribute effectively towards maintaining and promoting our health. The guidelines issued in this new ...

Report 9252
In this scientific policy advisory report the Superior Health Council of Belgium provides a risk assessment of Arsenic (As) in food for infants and young children. This report aims at providing health professionals and parents of infants and young children with specific recommendations on As in ...

Report 8311
Assessment of the exposure to certain contaminants found in drinking waters and the potential health risks involved. The case of Fluoride.