164 news items found.
Gaming disorder
Report 9526
In this scientific advisory report on public health policy, the Superior Health Council of Belgium provides recommendations on gaming disorder.
(Only available in Dutch or French)
(Only available in Dutch or French)
CT scan and Covid 19
Report 9587
In this scientific advisory report, which offers guidance to public health policy-makers, the Superior Health Council of Belgium provides an expert opinion on the use of chest CT, in addition to RT-PCR, for hospitalized patients suspected of having Covid-19 ...
Ventilation and transmission of SARS-CoV-2 (2021)
Report 9599
In this scientific advisory report, which offers guidance to public health policy-makers, public building managers and HVAC technicians, the Superior Health Council of Belgium provides an expert opinion and special recommendations on the use, outside hospitals and care institutions, of passive ...
New tobacco products
Report 9538
In this scientific advisory report, which offers guidance to public health policy-makers, the Superior Health Council of Belgium provides a risk assessment for heated tobacco products for smokers and non-smokers.
Psychosocial care during the Covid-19 pandemic
Report 9589
In this scientific advisory report, which offers guidance to public health policy-makers, the Superior Health Council of Belgium provides recommendations on psychosocial care during the Covid-19 pandemic for health care providers and authorities.
Belgian COVID-19 testing strategy in the context of viral respiratory infections prevention in all circumstances (pandemic, epidemic, endemic) for healthcare activities, nursing homes and long term care facilities
Report 9768
Please note that this document cannot be considered as a classic advisory report from the Superior Health Council. It is the result of an "Open Consultation", which only engages the responsibility of the signatories of the document who have approved it by consensus and by email. Such a...
IC patients and vaccination
Report 9158
The Superior Health Council has recently revised its recommendations concerning the vaccination of immunocompromised and chronically-ill patients.
Food Based Dietary Guidelines (FBDG)
Report 9284
In consultation with the competent authorities of this country, the Superior Health Council (SHC) has drawn up an advisory report on the priorities regarding food choices that are expected to contribute effectively towards maintaining and promoting our health. The guidelines issued in this new ...
Children's and adolescents' participation in mentalhealthcare
Report 9458
The participation and involvement of children in decisions that concern them is a fundamental right that is enshrined in several pieces of legislation. In addition to being an end in itself, it is also an excellent way of improving the accessibility, quality and efficiency of care by making it...
Meningococcal vaccination
Report 9485
The Superior Health Council (SHC) has revised its recommendations for meningococcal vaccination in light of epidemiological trends and new developments in vaccines.
DSM (5)
Report 9360
The SHC has issued recommendations aimed at clinicians and the authorities on the best approach to the diagnosis of mental health problems and, more specifically, on the role of the DSM.
Endoscopes and medical devices
Report 9446
In this scientific advisory report, which offers guidance to the Belgian healthcare facilities and to public health policy-makers, the Superior Health Council of Belgium provides specific recommendations on infection prevention, control and management when using heat-sensitive endoscopes and...
Physical chemical environmental hygiene
Report 9404
Limiting exposure to mutagenic or endocrine disrupting agents and the importance of exposures early in life
Report 9435
In this scientific advisory report, which offers guidance to public health policy-makers, the Superior Health Council of Belgium provides recommendations on the prevention of Tick-Borne Encephalitis in the Belgian population.
Report 9252
In this scientific policy advisory report the Superior Health Council of Belgium provides a risk assessment of Arsenic (As) in food for infants and young children. This report aims at providing health professionals and parents of infants and young children with specific recommendations on As in ...
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)
Report 8778
In this scientific advisory report on public health policy, the Superior Health Council of Belgium provides recommendations on the efficacy and safety of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation.
Indoor air quality
Report 8794
In this scientific policy advisory report the Superior Health Council of Belgium reviews national data on the indoor air quality in residences and public buildings and its potential impact on the building occupants’ health.
Report 9332
This scientific advisory provides recommendations to improve care for tinnitus patients and to reduce and prevent health effects of recreational sound exposure
Report 9216
Recommendations on the use of artificial UV devices in Belgium (June 2017) (SHC 9216) - In this scientific advisory report on public health policy, the Superior Health Council of Belgium provides recommendations for the Belgian population on the exposure to artificial UV radiation (sunbeds)