165 news items found.

Vaccination against Yellow Fever
Report 9844
Discover the SHC recommendations on yellow fever vaccination. This scientific opinion offers advice for travelers, healthcare professionals and vulnerable populations, with updates on revaccination and risk management. Download the report...

Measures to reduce the harm and risks associated with alcohol consumption
Report 9782
Discover the recommendations from the SHC to reduce the risks of alcohol consumption. Let’s act together to protect our health and that of our loved ones!

Vaccination against RSV (adults) – revision 2024
Report 9837
Discover the 2024 recommendations from the SHC on VRS vaccination for adults and seniors. A single dose for primary vaccination provides protection for at least 2 years, according to solid scientific data. Click to learn more!

COVID-19 Belgian vaccination strategy: season 2024-2025
Report 9833
This report provides recommendations for the Belgian vaccination strategy against COVID-19 in season 2024-2025. The focus is on the efficacy and safety of vaccines adapted to the Omicron variant and vaccination of pregnant women in particular.

Biocides: making available on the market and use of products
Report 9830
Report of the Superior Health Council on a draft Royal Decree on the placing on the market and use of biocidal products.

Mental health of applicants for international protection
Report 9744
Applicants for international protection are at greater risk of mental health problems due to various vulnerability factors before, during and after their migration journey. In this report, the Superior Health Council makes concrete recommendations to address current shortcomings.

Sensible use of O-negative blood
Report 9763
To ensure that the distribution of O RhD-negative packed red blood cells can effectively meet the needs of all patients, the Superior Health Council believes that, in addition to a reminder of existing procedures, innovation in the design of new procedures is likely to improve the links in...

Inserts for tobacco products
Report 9823
In this scientific advisory report, we provide recommendations for the development of inserts to be inserted in the packaging units of tobacco and herbal smoking products.

Vaccination against seasonal influenza
Report 9831
This advisory report deals with the vaccination against seasonal flu and determines which population groups should be given priority for vaccination.

Candida auris
Report 9575
Candida auris poses a threat to vulnerable patients in hospitals. In this report, the Superior Health Council provides an overview of the spread of Candida auris at global, European, and Belgian levels, and offers recommendations to control the spread of this yeast.

Gambling advertising
Report 9790
Gambling: no advertising and not before age 21
Much more prominent, varied and strong warnings on advertisements for lotteries, sports betting and other gambling activities, and a minimum age of 21 for participation. The Superior Health Council set out these recommendations in report 9790, as...
Much more prominent, varied and strong warnings on advertisements for lotteries, sports betting and other gambling activities, and a minimum age of 21 for participation. The Superior Health Council set out these recommendations in report 9790, as...

Health impact of air traffic around Brussels Airport
Report 9741
Noise pollution from aircraft can lead to sleep disorders, learning difficulties, high blood pressure and depression. Air traffic emissions have an overall negative impact on health.

Digital interventions and apps for mental health
Report 9745
Digitalisation could be part of the solution to long waiting times in mental health care. Digital interventions and apps can help with depression, anxiety and sleep disorders, among others.

RD Federal Reduction Plan for Plant Protection Products 2023-2027
Report 9698
Report of the Superior Health Council on the draft Royal Decree on the proposed programme (2023-2027) of the federal plan to reduce the use of plant protection products.

Measures to reduce the harm associated with alcohol
Report 9781
Every drop of alcohol increases the risk of serious diseases. Yet the public remains largely unaware of these risks.

New Genomic Techniques (NGTs)
Report 9801
A European law proposal is on the table to authorise the cultivation of NGT plants. These are plants created by the targeted application of new genomic techniques (NGT), such as CRISPR. If this law is adopted, NGT plants could dominate European agriculture in the near future.

PFAS and perchlorate in bottled and process water
Report 9791
The Superior Health Council was asked to comment on the health impact of PFAS and perchlorate in bottled water and water used in the food industry.

Catheter-related bloodstream infections
Report 9803
Healthcare professionals use intravascular catheters to deliver fluids and medication directly into patients' bloodstreams, and to monitor certain health parameters. However, breaking the skin barrier creates a gateway for microorganisms into the bloodstream, which can lead to serious infections...

Peer support in mental healthcare
Report 9743
People with mental vulnerability can find support and recognition from each other. Sharing experiences with people who have gone through similar challenges can have a beneficial effect on the recovery process.

RD federal biocides reduction plan
Report 9712
Advice report of the Superior Health Council on a draft Royal Decree relating to the federal biocides reduction plan.