27 news items found.

Biocides: making available on the market and use of products
Report 9830
Report of the Superior Health Council on a draft Royal Decree on the placing on the market and use of biocidal products.

Inserts for tobacco products
Report 9823
In this scientific advisory report, we provide recommendations for the development of inserts to be inserted in the packaging units of tobacco and herbal smoking products.

Health impact of air traffic around Brussels Airport
Report 9741
Noise pollution from aircraft can lead to sleep disorders, learning difficulties, high blood pressure and depression. Air traffic emissions have an overall negative impact on health.

RD Federal Reduction Plan for Plant Protection Products 2023-2027
Report 9698
Report of the Superior Health Council on the draft Royal Decree on the proposed programme (2023-2027) of the federal plan to reduce the use of plant protection products.

New Genomic Techniques (NGTs)
Report 9801
A European law proposal is on the table to authorise the cultivation of NGT plants. These are plants created by the targeted application of new genomic techniques (NGT), such as CRISPR. If this law is adopted, NGT plants could dominate European agriculture in the near future.

PFAS and perchlorate in bottled and process water
Report 9791
The Superior Health Council was asked to comment on the health impact of PFAS and perchlorate in bottled water and water used in the food industry.

RD federal biocides reduction plan
Report 9712
Advice report of the Superior Health Council on a draft Royal Decree relating to the federal biocides reduction plan.

Environmental and health impact of face masks
Report 9765
At the request of the federal minister of Environment, the Superior Health Council examined the environmental and health impact of mouth mask use, leading to the following conclusions: The protection provided by mouth masks during a pandemic greatly outweighs the potential health risks of...

Draft Royal Decree banning the export of certain dangerous substances to countries that are not members of the European Union
Report 9754
Advice report of the Superior Health Council on a draft Royal Decree banning the export of certain dangerous substances to countries that are not members of the European Union.

Firefighters’ gloves
Report 9542
The use of nitrile undergloves under regular firefighters’ gloves as a protective measure against carcinogenic exposure in fires

Electronic cigarette: evolution
Report 9549
In this scientific advisory report on public health policy, the Superior Health Council of Belgium provides an update for electronic cigarettes (with or without nicotine) for smokers, non smokers and vapers.

Environmental and sustainability aspects COVID-19
Report 9617
In this scientific advisory report, the Superior Health Council of Belgium advocates an interdisciplinary human ecological approach to the COVID-19 pandemic. This report aims at providing policy-makers with recommendations on health and environmental prevention strategies.

Health risks associated with face masks treated with a silver based biocide
Report 9654
In this scientific advisory report, which offers guidance to public health policy-makers, the Superior Health Council of Belgium provides a risk assessment of textile face masks treated with a silver-based biocide for protection against SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Glyphosate and glyphosate-containing formulations
Report 9561
In this scientific advisory report on public health policy, the Superior Health Council of Belgium provides guidance to public health policy-makers with respect to the use of glyphosate and glyphosate containing formulations.

Pharmaceuticals in the context of the threat terrorism
Report 9552
In this scientific advisory report on public health policy, the Superior Health Council of Belgium provides a revision of the advisory report of 2003 on the necessary stockpiles of pharmaceuticals in case of biological and chemical terrorism and includes radio-nuclear threats in this new report...

New tobacco products
Report 9538
In this scientific advisory report, which offers guidance to public health policy-makers, the Superior Health Council of Belgium provides a risk assessment for heated tobacco products for smokers and non-smokers.

Physical chemical environmental hygiene
Report 9404
Limiting exposure to mutagenic or endocrine disrupting agents and the importance of exposures early in life