Measures to reduce the harm and risks associated with alcohol consumption
Concrete measures to act now!
Alcohol is responsible for numerous health problems (cardiovascular diseases, cancers, mental health disorders) and serious social consequences (accidents, violence, family issues). No level of alcohol consumption is risk-free. In response to this alarming reality, the SHC presents strong and urgent recommendations to reduce alcohol-related harm.
These recommendations focus on three key areas:
- Societal actions: banning the advertising and sale of alcohol to under-18s, setting a minimum price, guaranteeing free access to water in horeca outlets.
- Individual actions: encouraging moderation, offering alcohol-free alternatives, and improving access to care without requiring abstinence.
- Targeted measures: protecting young people and pregnant women, adapting festive environments, and supporting vulnerable populations.
Every action matters! Let’s work together to protect our health and that of our loved ones. Discover the SHC's practical solutions to change behavior and reduce risks.
Only available in Dutch and French.
- HGR 9782 - Alcohol risicobeperking3.7 Mb pdf
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