Carrier screening
In this advisory report, the Superior Health Council of Belgium provides recommendations on the criteria that need to be applied in preconceptual genetic testing for severe autosomal and X-linked recessive diseases for couples planning a pregnancy. This report aims at providing healthcare authorities and healthcare professionals with specific recommendations on the scientific and ethical issues that need to be considered in view of a responsible implementation of preconceptual genetic testing in a reproductive context. The report specifically discusses the framework underpinning the appropriate introduction of such testing and suggests inclusion criteria for diseases that could be targeted by the screening process: (i) severity, (ii) age of onset, (iii) prevalence, (iv) selection of mutations based on clinical significance and (v) treatability.
- SHC 9240 - Carrier screening.pdf482.8 Kb pdf
- HGR 9240 - Dragerschapsscreening.pdf485.5 Kb pdf
- CSS 9240 - Dépistage génétique.pdf490.5 Kb pdf
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